Blog (Page 8)


ThereThe foundation of falooda goes back to Iran (Persia), where a similar dessert, faloodeh, was popular. The dessert came to Medieval India with the many Central Asian merchants and dynasties that settled in the Indian subcontinent in the 16th to 18th century.   (1 cup =250ml) 2 cups full fat milkContinue Reading…



Mushbooh is an Arabic word for doubtful things. Muslims are required to stay away from doubtful things. Food products and food ingredients whose sources are not known whether they are made from Halal or Haram source fall under this category. Yeast Extract from brewer’s yeast (some Islamic scholars considered itContinue Reading…



A common question asked in the World is on this topic what is Haram? Haram is opposite of Halal, means unlawful, again it is an Arabic word. Muslims are prohibited to consume Haram food products made from from Haram ingredients. They also based according to Quranic teachings and Sunnah asContinue Reading…
