Social Interaction (Page 6)

Not all taxes are necessarily unjust–and paying taxes is a citizen’s duty. In the Shariah, the government can levy taxes if zakat and other Shariah-taxes are not sufficient to fulfill recognized public needs. It is not permitted to cheat and deceive the government in regards to taxes. However, one canContinue Reading…


In general, Islamic practice is to keep signs of intimacy in the private without taking it into the public sphere. But in itself the permissibility of holding hands in public would return to the custom of the country. If it is from accepted practice that couples hold hands then itContinue Reading…


Question: Is it permissible for a convert to attend his family’s Christmas celebrations? Answer: Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullah, It would be permissible to attend such an event, since it would be from keeping ties with ones family. One can attend the social gatherings, but should discretely abstain from actively taking partContinue Reading…
