Short Islamic Courses (Page 15)

Night of Destiny

Night of Destiny ; Another powerful dua to recite which you can add to your list Remember to subscribe to our Channel on Youtube. Laylatul Qadr, also referred to as the Night of Power, is one of the most important and sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. With Ramadan uponContinue Reading…


Dua for Lailat

Dua for Lailat Qadr; A dua which can be read at many nights with a personalized prayer at the end. Subscribe to our Youtube channel. Allah says about the purpose of this night: Ha, Meem. By the clear Book, Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, WeContinue Reading…


Recite after Salah

Recite after Salah ; A popular tasbee to recite after every namaz every day. Remember us in your prayers when you are sat down for your prayers. We are hoping to get more designed so that we can pass these around the digital world. In coming weeks I am hopingContinue Reading…
