Meat & Seafood (Page 12)

Are Ducks Halal?

Are Ducks Halal? Islamic teachings forbid Muslims to consume birds that have claws/talons to hunt their prey, such as eagles and crows, because the duck is a type of bird that does not have claws/talons and takes its food from the beak such as chickens and doves, it is categorizedContinue Reading…


Eating Meat & Slaughtering

The Islamic Perspective on Eating Meat & Slaughtering Animals It is common knowledge that eating meat goes back to the advent of man. Man has been consuming meat from the very early times. However, before the advent of Islam, all possible means were used in order to acquire the meatContinue Reading…


Unslaughtered Haram Meat

Unslaughtered Haram Meat This would not be permitted in either case, because the generally accepted fiqh principle states, “That which is not permitted to consume may not be given to others.” [Majalla, and Fatawa al-Hindiyya] Can one trade unslaughtered meat for halal meat? Same as above. It is not permitted.Continue Reading…
