Islamic Manners (Page 4)

Obeying the Law of the Land in the West Answer : Muslims are generally obliged to abide by the laws of the land and the country they live in, whether it is a Islamic state (al-khilafa), Muslim countries, or non-Muslim countries such as those in the west, as long asContinue Reading…


2. Sunnats And Duas Upon Entering And Leaving The Toilet 1. For the purpose of istinjah, take along water and lumps of clay. To use three lumps of clay or three stones is mustahab (preferable). If circumstances prevail, then this will be sufficient. Due to (clay lumps), difficulties are experiencedContinue Reading…


When yawning, it is Sunnat to prevent it as far as possible. (Bukhari). If the mouth cannot be kept closed despite making an effort to do so, then place the back of the left hand over the mouth. While yawning, any sound should not be allowed to emanate as thisContinue Reading…
