Islamic Articles (Page 7)

Arrogance is a prohibited trait, described by the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in the following hadith: “No one with an atom’s worth of arrogance will enter paradise.” A man asked, “But a person loves that his clothes are seemly and his sandals are seemly.” The ProphetContinue Reading…


This returns to the issue of enjoining the good and forbidding evil, which is a communal obligation (fard kifaya) and an essential duty in Islam. Based on the criteria outlined below, if the conditions of enjoining the good and forbidding evil are met, one must do so. Otherwise, one canContinue Reading…


Stunning – Halal or Haram? As far as stunning is concerned, the meat and chicken from animals who have been stunned prior to zibah are halaal as long as stunning isn’t the cause of death but the zibah (slaughtering/cutting through neck and arteries/veins etc) Is. Even as far as theContinue Reading…
