Tablets with Gelatin – Assalamu alaykum

In the name of Allah the Inspirer of truth

Gelatin has been considered haram according to the majority of scholars unless it is from a vegetarian [f: or halal-slaughtered] source. This unfortunately cannot be determined here. What needs to be done here is that a suitable alternative has to be found. Calcium and vitamin C is probably not a difficult combination to find in caplet form rather than in a capsule.

The doctor can also be consulted along with the pharmacy to find a suitable alternative. The doctor may be able to change the prescription or the pharmacy can substitute the original ones for the non-gelatin type.

most Hanafi fuqaha in our times consider gelatine to be an impure substance (if derived from pork or an animal not Islamically slaughtered), holding that the change it undergoes from its original state is not sufficient to be considered essential transformation.

Therefore, most of the scholars have declared gelatine as unlawful (haram) due to the fact that firstly, it is difficult to establish where it’s derived from, and secondly, the change it undergoes is not sufficient for it to classed lawful (halal).

Tablets with Gelatin; Now, the general ruling regarding impure and Haram substances is that, it is impermissible to use them, for any reason which includes medical purposes.

However, the Hanafi jurists (fuqaha) have given a dispensation in using impure and unlawful substances for medical purposes, provided certain conditions are met.

The Hanafi jurist, Imam al-Haskafi (Allah have Mercy on him) says:

“The Scholars differed regarding the usage of haram medication. The apparent opinion in the (Hanafi) school is that it is haram. However it is said that, it will be permissible when the medicine is known to be effective and there is no other alternative, just as there is a dispensation in drinking alcohol for a person dying of thirst, and the fatwa is given on this opinion.” (Durr al-Mukhtar, 1/210)

In view of the above text from one of the fundamental Hanafi reference books, it will be permissible to use medicines that have impure and unlawful substances in them, provided the following conditions are met:

1) It is reasonably known that the medicine will be effective, and is needed;

2) There is no permissible alternative reasonably available;

3) This has been established by an expert Muslim doctor who is at least outwardly upright and god-fearing.


By Ustadh Yasar Malik

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