Recite after Salah ; A popular tasbee to recite after every namaz every day. Remember us in your prayers when you are sat down for your prayers. We are hoping to get more designed so that we can pass these around the digital world.
In coming weeks I am hoping I can copy the text as well for everyone.
After fard and sunnah prayers are performed, first ayat al-kursiyy, the chapters of al-Ikhlas, al-Falaq and an-Nas are read; after that, “Subhanallah” is said 33 times, “Alhamdulillah” 33 times and “Allahu Akbar” 33 times. Then, “La ilaha illallahu wahdahu…” is read and dua (prayer) is done.
One may practice on either of these two methods as both are found in authentic Hadiths.
In fact, ‘Allamah Nawawi (rahimahullah) has also suggested combining both versions by reciting the Allahu Akbar thirty four times and also adding the additional recital of La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharika lahu… at the end.
(Al-Mufhim of Qurtubi, Hadith: 482-483, Al-Minhaj of Nawawi, Hadith: 1346, Fathul Bari of Ibn Hajar, Hadith: 843 & Al-Futuhatur Rabbaniyyah, vol.3 pg.42)
Six Authentic Modes of Dhikr After the Salaah
Allaah’s Messenger (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) would make tasbeeh (glorify Allaah), tahmeed (praise Him) and takbeer (extol His greatness) after the obligatory prayers. The following is what is authentically reported from him:
1. Subhaanallaah 33 times, al-hamdulillaah 33 times, Allaahu-akbar 33 times and finishing with a single Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahu laa shareekalahu, lahul mulk walahul hamd wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shayin qadeer. (Muslim, 597).
2. Subhaanallaah 33 times, al-hamdulillaah 33 times, Allaahu-akbar 34 times. (Muslim, 596).
3. Subhaanallaah 33 times, al-hamdulillaah 33 times, and Allaahu-akbar 33 times. (Bukhaaree, 843, Muslim, 595).
4. Subhaanallaah 10 times, al-hamdulillaah 10 times, and Allaahu-akbar 10 times. (Bukhaaree, 6329).
5. Subhaanallaah 11 times, al-hamdulillaah 11 times, Allaahu-akbar 11 times. (Muslim, 595).
6. Subhaanallaah 25 times, al-hamdulillaah 25 times, Allaahu-akbar 25 times, and Laa ilaaha illallaah 25 times. (An-Nasaa’ee 1351)
Start of Journey have some great content so remember to check them! Recite after Salah