Morning and Evening recitations ; Here is a beautiful hadith showing the number of times to recite parts of the Qur’an for blessing throughout the day.

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Surah Falaq Benefits : There are many Surah Falaq benefits, few given below for Morning and Evening recitations

On the virtue of this Surah, the holy Prophet (S) is narrated to have said: “Some verses have been revealed to me, the likes of which have not been revealed before; Surah Falaq and Surah Nas”.

  1. Another tradition from Imam Baqir (as) denotes: “He who recites Surah Falaq, Nas, and Ikhlas, in his ‘Watr (odd number rak’at) prayer’, will be told,
  2. ‘O servant of Allah, he happy that Allah accepted your ‘Watr prayer’ “.
  3. Another narration says that the holy Prophet (S) asked one of his companions whether or not he wished to be taught two Suras which were the best Suras of the Qur’an and he answered:
  4. “Yes, O Messenger of Allah”; then, the Prophet (S) taught him Surah Falaq and Nas, then, he (S) recited both of them in the morning prayer and told the man:
  5. “Read them whenever you get up and whenever you go to bed.” It is clear that these virtues are for the person who harmonizes his own soul, mind, belief and actions with the content of the Surah.
  6. 1) If Recited in wajib salaah in Ramadhan, it is as though one has fasted in Makkah and sawab of hajj.
  7. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that in the prayer of Shafa’a (in Salaatul-layl) one should recite Surah al-Falaq in the first rak’aat and an-Naas in the second.
  8. Whoso recites, even from early age, every night 3 times surah al Falaq, 3 times surah al Nas, and 100 or 50 times surah al Ikhlas, Allah would keep him safe from every evil-eye, all ailments that afflict children, all stomach ailments, low and high blood pressure; and so long as he keeps reciting like this he would remain safe from diseases till he dies.
  9. According to the Imams of Ahl ul Bayt it is better to recite surah al Falaq and surah al Ikhlas in the rak-at of witr, in tahajjud.
