Some information on Indian Qust
Ibn ul ‘Arabi said, “The Prophet ﷺ mentioned seven things that qust cures. He specifically mentioned two and left the others to be sought or did not mention the others because they were well known. “The medical experts have mentioned many benefits of qust. You may wonder why seven have been specified when there are many benefits of qust. Al Imam Al ‘Aini stated that this was because the Prophet ﷺ was informed of the seven through revelation and these cures are therefore proven. The benefits besides these seven are based upon experience. So he ﷺ only mentioned what he knew through revelation. Another explanation is that he only went into detail in relation to that which the need of the time required and he remained silent about those things that there was not a need for.
Our love for Prophet Sunnah gave us the chance to create Sunnah Treatments.
The medical experts have mentioned the benefits of qust to include (known as Indian Qust):
It kills worms in the bowels.
It repels poison.
It eases menstrual flow.
It eases the flow of urine.
It repels fever.
It heats the stomach.
It increases sexual desire.
It removes facial spots.
There are essentially two types of Qust, Indian (Qust al Hindi) and Marine/Sea (Qust al Bahri). Both come in the form of a dried root and Qust has a praised high status in the aHadith which is on par with Hijama cupping.
Imam Ibn Qayyim Al Jawziyyah (rahimullah) said that both types of Qust provide considerable medicinal benefits. Qust is one of the remedies to always have at home which I must recommend to all my brothers and sisters who are serious about using Tibb an Nabawi to treat themselves and their loved ones.
Qust is hot and dry in the third degree and helps to dry out excess phlegm, help to remedy colds and influenza and nasal congestion. Imam Ibn Al Qayyim said that drinking an infusion of Qust helps strengthen the liver and helps to remedy weakness of digestion, slackness of the stomach, and if used as an ointment, it helps backache or rheumatic pain in the lumbar region.