A common question on White wine vinegar

Q: اسلام عليكم و رحمةالله وبركاته

Is it allowed/halal?

A: وعليكم اسلام

As its name suggests is ‘vinegar’. Acetic acid. The ‘OH’ group of the alcohol has been oxidised to ‘OOH’ which is vinegar. Even though there may be trace amounts of the alcohol in the substance, it displays the qualities and characteristics of vinegar rather than wine.

Consequently it has undergone a transformation which in Islam Law changes the ruling applied to it.

So the ruling applied to the alcohol white wine, would be haram, but when the white wine undergoes a chemical transformation and results in the production of whit’e wine vinegar, the ruling changes so that the new wine vinegar now becomes halal.

Please note all vinegars (whether malt vinegar, rice vinegar, apple cider vinegar etc etc etc) are manufactured from an alcoholic base which would be haram to consume but once transformed to vinegar, it not only becomes halal but in fact this new product, the vinegar, is actually Sunnah!

Allah ﷻ & His Rasool ﷺ know best.

By Shaykh Abu Yusha Yasin

Some further information on this topic to help you better understand this insha Allah.

It is a type of vinegar created through the fermentation of white wine with acetic acid bacteria. This process produces a light, delicate vinegar with a subtly fruity or floral flavor, depending on the type of white wine used.

It is often preferred for cooking and culinary applications due to its more nuanced flavor profile in comparison to other types of vinegar, such as distilled white vinegar.

This type of vinegar is commonly used in a variety of dishes that require a milder acidity.

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  1. The main idea is that it does not cause the person to become drunk.

    and Alcohol that can make one drunk is haram even in small amounts. This is unlike the low percentage of Alcohol in oranges that does not really cause one to become drunk. And Allah knows more, may he Guide us to the rightous path.

  2. You explained but I don’t understand if wine vinegar is halal or harm and blasmine vinegar halal or harm.and apple cider vinegar .

  3. Assalamualaikum warahmatullah
    As you mentioned, it is sunnah, could you please provide the reference of a Hadith where it is clearly written that it is a sunnah ?
    Jazak Allah khair

  4. The good news is that there are also a lot of different benefits that come with drinking or taking one of the apple cider vinegar pills. There are even studies that show that drinking this type of vinegar will be beneficial to your skin health as well as to your overall health.

  5. JazakaAllah khairan for the easy to understand, “explanations ”
    May Allah swt grant you ejjar.

  6. What about chinese black vinegar ya admin?

    I read some articles that if the vinegar is made from khamr (rice wine, cider, etc.), it’s haram. But if it’s made directly from cereal grains (rice) or fruits (apple), then its halal.

    Not that I know how vinegar is made. Allaahu a’lam bish-showwab.

  7. Jazak Allah khair, for clear explanation.

  8. Barak allahu feek, thank you for the easy to read explanation. May allah reward you for sharing your knowledge to the ummah

  9. Hi, Assalmualaikum
    Sorry to bother you, but where is it said the sunnah that you mentioned?
    Is it the sunnah on drinking vinegar? (As it reduces fatigue?)

  10. Is alcohol vinegar is halal ? Please tell me
    I am using masterd paste.
    Where in the ingredients were written as “ alchohal vineger, in German “ brennt wein vinegar “
    Can I still use or not ?

  11. admin

    Yes will depend on your school of thought

  12. admin

    Wasalam ill need to check the branding.

  13. admin

    Yes this will vary on school of thought, we follow the sunni hanafi school of thought.

  14. admin

    Wasalam yes it is fine to have after meals or in between.

  15. https://islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/2283

    It’s better to avoid what is in doubt Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said. And I have posted a fatwa regarding wine vinegar it’s Haram and they have given the explanation with proof of hadith why it’s so…I love Olives because they are loved by our Prophet Muhammad S.A W and also mentioned in the Quran. I get these olives pitted with garlic amazing but my wife told me to look into the ruling again now I’m not going to buy anything which has wine vinegar as it’s Sunnah to avoid which thing which put us in doubt. On another note why weaken my iman for the pleasure of my stomach. Asalamu Alykum

  16. how is it sunnah

  17. admin

    Hi, can you rephrase your question please.

  18. admin

    Wasalam we will follow the Hanafi Fiqh ruling. IslamQA dont follow a particular ruling hence the confusion across the site they have and misleading information.

  19. admin

    That is Halal correct in accordance with Hanafi Fiqh.

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