A Daily Tasbee, Just one hundred times a day you need to read this tasbee. Once you get going you will get used to reading this daily.

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Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (radiyallahu’anhuma) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu’alaihi wasallam) said:

“Whoever recites: “subhanallahi wa bi hamdihi” will receive one hundred and twenty four thousand rewards”

(Al-Mu’jamul Kabeer li Tabarani; see Majma’uz Zawaid, vol,10 pg.87)

After citing other such narrations, Imam Zabidi (rahimahullah) writes: “Although these narrations do not all specify Friday, they do however support the virtue of (this) Tasbih” (Sharhul Ihya, vol.3 pg.273)

When reciting this tasbih, one should aspire for all the rewards that are promised for it.

Our Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) used to say the following supplication and recommend for us to recite it:

“My God! I only praise you. You are the one who watches over the Heaven and Earths and the things therein. Praise be to You. You are true and real. Whatever You said You will do is true. Your word is true and real. Returning to You is true and real. Paradise is true and real. Hell is true and real. That the Day of Judgment will arrive is true and real. The prophets are true and real. Muhammad blessings and peace be upon him) is true and real.

“O Allah! I devote myself only to You by accepting Your enjoinders and prohibitions. I only rely upon You. I only believe in You. I turned my face and my heart only to You.

“O Allah! Kindly accept my prayer. You are certainly All-Seeing, All-Hearing.

“O Allah! Kindly forgive my sins, all that I did due to my ignorance, all my wrongdoings by exceeding my limits, all my crimes!

“O Allah! Kindly forgive what I did – seriously or in jest, forgive my sins whether I committed them in error or knowingly!

“O Allah! Help me to remember You and recite Your name, to thank for Your bounties, and to worship You as befits You!

“O Allah! Protect me from erring in the subject of my religion, which is the beginning of all my works! Help me in running my businesses in this world that I am living in! Help me in earning my hereafter, where I shall return! Allow me to perform more good deeds in the course of my life!

“O Allah! Protect me from everything that contravenes unity, from my inward belying my outward and from all bad habits! “O Allah! Show me the right path, purify my morals and my soul, beautify my manners. Keep me away from all prohibitions (haraams).

“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from being immoral, conducting bad deeds, deviating to wrong beliefs.

“O Allah! I seek refuge in You from poverty, excess, contempt, from oppressing others and from being oppressed by others. “O our Lord, Who created us and teaches us! Give us the greatest good in both the world and in the hereafter. Save us from the torment of hellfire.

“O our Lord, Who created us and teaches us! In the Day of Judgment forgive me, my parents, and all the believers.

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